Improving Software Experiences

I help create faster, cheaper, more secure and more delightful software experiences.

Contact Rohan


Technology is advancing exponentially, creating new risks and opportunities for established businesses and entrepreneurs. Adaptability is critical.

Leveraging my background in Commercial Law, Financial Services, and Advanced Technologies in the Asia Pacific region, I’m a specialist Product, Commercial and Technology manager, strategy advisor, and investor, focusing primarily on globally disruptive technologies and their local and cross border impacts.

My clients, over the course of my career, have ranged from early stage startups to large public and global companies.

I provide strategy, analysis, product and other services via MainClear and before that, AUGX. I also manage strategic projects focused on blockchain and distributed ledger technologies seeking to unlock new benefits for society by enabling new payments systems, privacy paradigms and business models not possible on the internet.


I'm proud to work with and have delivered solutions for:


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